The Transformative Intercultural Educator Framework

How to Help Your Students Be & Do Better When Crossing Cultures

with Tara Harvey, Ph.D.

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Are you a faculty or staff member in higher education who wants to help students make the most of their intercultural learning opportunities—at home or abroad?

If so, this training is for you!

You'll learn...

✔ A simple framework for developing intercultural competence (yours and your students’).

✔ Your biggest strengths and challenges related to fostering intercultural learning.

✔ What’s the first thing you should focus on to help students learn across cultures.

About Tara Harvey, Ph.D.

Hi! I've been in the field of international and intercultural education for about 20 years. I’ve worked in practically every area—language learning, international student services, study abroad—in both administrative and teaching roles, and for universities as well as an international program provider. 

My passion and focus during much of my career has been on helping people learn and grow deeply from intercultural experiences, so we can become the best version of ourselves. Join me in this training and learn how to help your students (as well as yourself) be and do better when crossing cultures (at home and abroad).


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